What Day Is It?

It’s “Short Girl Appreciation Day!”
Before we get to our topic…
This First Day of Winter started out kind of Humbug and I couldn’t sleep so I decided to do a Crossword Puzzle by Flashlight so I wouldn’t disturb anyone.  Looking at the table next to me I noticed some Kiwi Fruit flavored Ribbon Candy which, of course, I couldn’t resist.  With Christmas just a few days away I thought about Regifting a few items to finish off my shopping list but then I would run the risk of giving the same gift to someone that they gave me last year and that wouldn’t be good.  Noticing the time, I had to hurry to get ready for work, opened the refrigerator and couldn’t decide whether to take the French Fried Shrimp or the Hamburger so I took both.  Since I was running late I listened to the voice in my head saying “Don’t Make Your Bed” and I rushed off to work.
I know this sounds like I’m babbling but Look At The Bright Side, I could have decided to celebrate Short Story Day and then I’d have to figure out what to write!
For those who are totally confused…
Yes, I celebrated “Short Story Day” by telling a story that contained Bold texted words that were also todays holiday.
May you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and remember that it’s not about how many gifts you bought, or whether the napkins match the tablecloth, it’s all about driving family members crazy!
Have a Terrific Thursday!


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