What Day Is It?

It’s “National Drinking Straw Day!”
Well, this day really suctions!
You know what I mean…
(After all, we do have standards to uphold here!)
A drinking straw is a thin tube for transferring a beverage from its container to the mouth of the drinker.
The first known straws (3000 B.C.E.) were made by the Sumerians, and were used for drinking beer.
Marvin C. Stone patented the modern drinking straw, made of paper, in 1888.
He wound paper around a pencil to make a thin tube, slid out the pencil from one end, and applied glue between the strips.  Marvin later refined it by building a machine that would coat the outside of the paper with wax to hold it together, so the glue wouldn't dissolve in bourbon.
Ingenuity always seems to make great strides when it comes to alcohol and its consumption.
Speaking of straws…
Who remembers eating Pixy Stix?
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!


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