What Day Is It?

It’s “Be Humble Day!”
It was difficult for me to determine the “real” meaning of being “Humble”.
Many definitions would lead you to believe that being humble somehow refers to being less important and low quality.
Not proud or arrogant; modest.
I happen to believe you can be humble and proud.  Proud of your accomplishments, your decisions, your actions.
(If you’re humble you just continue on and don’t advertise your success.)
Feeling of insignificance, inferiority.
Perhaps arrogant people may view you as such but you know how significant you are and the importance of your decisions and actions.
(If you’re humble you just continue on and don’t advertise your success.)
Being humble is having the ability to admit that you’re wrong, or don’t have all the answers, while knowing that you will hold yourself accountable for doing the right thing and find the answers.
(If you’re humble you just continue on and don’t advertise your success.)
Thank you for this opportunity of expression.
Have a Terrific Thursday!


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