What Day Is It?

It’s “National Fruit Compost Day!”
For an organic gardener, fruit peels aren't trash. In fact, for anyone with a compost pile, fruit peels, like all plant matter, are a potential source of valuable nutrients for the garden.  The simple fact is that fruit peels rot.  Put them on the ground, and they will break down into humus.  Putting them in a pile with…
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
It’s not Fruit Compost Day…
It’s “National Fruit Compote Day!”
(Pardon my “s” for getting in the way and changing the meaning of the whole day!)
In the culinary arts, a compote refers to fresh, canned, or dried fruit that has been stewed in a syrup of sugar and other flavorings.
Compote recipes sometimes include wine, brandy, rum or liqueur. Fruit compote is frequently made from combinations of figs, pears, apples, plums, berries, and rhubarb. Compote recipes usually include other flavorings, such as vanilla, cinnamon, citrus peels, and cloves.
Have a Delicious Thursday!


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