What Day Is It?

It’s “National Proofreading Day!”
You know…
That thing you had to do before you sent a letter or a document to someone.
Unfortunately that seems to be a process of the past.
Yes, I’m just as guilty as everyone else, letting technology correct most of my mistakes.  I’m one of those people that “text” in complete sentences and fall victim to the dreaded “auto-correct” feature and it’s only after I send the message that I notice the words aren’t always what I intended to use.
I have noticed that while typing an email I tend to rely too much on the auto-correction to do my proofreading which sometimes results in the wrong word being used.  The words may be spelled correctly but it’s the wrong word.
For instance, I meant to say:
The raindrops tapping on the aluminum trash cans…
What I actually typed was: (or possibly auto-corrected)
The raindrops taping on the aluminum trash cans…
Of course, I noticed the error of my ways, after I sent the email to 80 people!
Nobody’s perfect, I get that, but sometimes we just need to take the time to do what’s right and pay attention.
After all, proper punctuation can make all the difference in the world!
Have a Terrific Thursday!


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